NOOTER’S goal is to consistently deliver, and continually improve, value to our customers. Since 1896, NOOTER has built relationships and developed processes that translate the needs of customers into construction services that meet agreed requirements.
- NOOTER is authorized by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for the manufacture and assembly of Power Boilers (“S” and “A”) and for the manufacture of Pressure Vessels (“U” and “U2”). Additionally, NOOTER is authorized by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors to Perform Repairs and alterations to power boilers and pressure vessels (“R”).
- Project-specific quality programs are designed for each assignment, according to client, code, jurisdictional requirements and NOOTER requirements. Quality programs are supported by job specific inspection & test plans.
- NOOTER has thousands of qualified welding procedures covering all metals including stainless steel alloys, chrome alloys, titanium, nickel alloys, and aluminum.
- The NOOTER Quality Management System is based on ISO9001
- ASME Section VIII & Section IX Committee