Tips to Save Thousands on Your Facility’s Commercial & Industrial Boiler

Service and Repairs

Operating a boiler can be expensive, but there are ways to save money

Commercial boiler owners can reduce their operating costs by following a few simple tips. First, be sure to regularly maintain it and keep it in good working condition. This will help ensure that your boiler is running efficiently and not overworking itself.

Secondly, make use of energy-saving settings and controls when possible. These can help you lower your overall energy consumption and potentially reduce your heating costs.

Next, educate your employees on the importance of keeping the boiler area clean and clear.  Having your employees understand the basics will minimize unexpected emergencies that can be costly.  Additionally, ask them to alert you if they notice any issues with the boiler so you can address them right away.

Nooter has been providing boiler services and maintenance since 1896, so we want to share some tips with you.


By identifying and tracking flaws, boiler inspections can help prevent catastrophic failures.  In studies, increased boiler inspection frequency can improve asset life and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but this benefit must be evaluated against the cost of doing more inspections.

  • Boiler inspections should be performed at regular intervals by certified boiler inspectors.
  • Inspections should include verification of all safety systems and procedures as well as operator certification review.

Why Maintenance is Important?

Your commercial boiler is an important part of your business and keeping it running efficiently can save you money in the long run. Regular maintenance and tune-ups are key to smooth running. Tips to keep in mind:

  • Replacing a boiler can cost up to $500,000!
  • The combustion and extreme temperatures created in the heat exchanger in order to heat the water can lead to residue.
  • Rapid temperature changes form condensation and combustion byproducts that can lead to drainage clogging.
  • A byproduct of the combustion process can mix with condensate and raise pH to damaging levels.
  • The repeated firing of the boiler flame wears on the flame rod sensors that are depended on.
  • Air intake pipes can accumulate debris and can stall the system.
  • The air intake pipe or vent could be clogged causing your system to occasionally stall out or lock out which will leave you without heat or hot water.
  • Water levels must be maintained properly to prevent permanent damage.

Routine Boiler Inspection Checklist

Listed below are suggestions for daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annual and annual tasks. Maintain a daily logbook as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.  Not only will a boiler log help you understand your boiler better, but it will also allow an experienced boiler service professional to determine the key reasons for your boiler’s problems.

  • Check the air vents and flues for any blockage and clear
  • Look at the pressure gauge to ensure the water level is staying about the same—system pressure declines as water is lost
  • Keep an eye out for dripping water, it may indicate pressure issues
  • Clear the area around the boiler.
    • All those boxes, bags and other stored items should be moved away to allow the boiler to breathe
  • Check piping for any signs of leakage or deterioration
  • Investigate the condensate drain line, PVC fittings, drain system, and drain trap for blockages

Book a Boiler Inspection with NOOTER

We understand downtime costs. As a result, our team is committed to delivering high-quality projects consistently, while prioritizing safety and efficiency. We’re available to execute work 24/7, 365 days a year.

Our Boiler experts will:

  • Clean and inspect the heat exchanger for wear and tear
  • Check and clean burner assembly
  • Test low-water cutoff
  • Ensure all electrical wiring is intact and joint/pipe connections are secure
  • Test water pH levels to make sure they are in a safe range
  • Clean, flush and inspect condensate systems
  • Make sure the system fires up properly, by testing and clean sensors, igniter, and burner assembly
  • Check the venting system for deterioration, corrosion, or blockage
  • Check settings and test safety and operating controls
  • If system water is dirty, power flush the system piping to maintain efficient water flow
  • Check for correct boiler operation once it has been cleaned and examined

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